Treasures for Healthy Living
Don't you love how we humans try to change God's designs and then wonder why things aren't working in our lives? Not to single anyone out, I'm just as guilty. I can see God shaking His head after I've tried to do things my way (yet again) and thinking, "That Kathy sure has a hard time getting it." There comes a time in all our lives when we finally throw our hands up and say, "Okay, God. I surrender." I ask, have you done this with your health yet? Do you realize that one of God's plans for us is to be healthy, for you to be healthy? Created in His image, He loves you, He loves me, and He wants us to be well. He has given us everything we need not just on the earth, but in His Word to live long and healthy lives. "My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity" (Proverbs 3:1-2, NIV).
I'm taking the ACAC-U class Treasures of Healthy Living. Named after the book, we are taken through Scripture and learning about God's design for healthy living. Being healthy isn't just about the foods we're eating. Being healthy isn't just about how much exercise we're getting (or not getting). Healthy living encompasses our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and God's Word tells us this. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 reads, "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through, and may your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Our owner's manual for living healthy is the Bible and it is my belief that to live healthy is to live in obedience. It's true that God will sometimes bring illness upon us or upon our family members for reasons of teaching obedience or to bring us home, but how often has our lack of self-discipline or ignorance in matters pertaining to our health had dire consequences? What great things can be done for His Kingdom if we were to overcome our lack of discipline in matters pertaining to our health? Dear Readers, I'm in this with you. I struggle just as much as I know many of you do. There is a quote from the Treasures book that I've read over and over: "There will be a day when our health testimony will be one of the tools God uses to draw all men unto Him."
My prayer is that I may stay committed to this class and that I may stay on top of the homework, but not just for me or to just get it done. I pray that I would truly learn what His Word says about living healthy so that I can not only apply it to my own life, but share it with you so that you may apply it to your life. I pray we would not follow culture and man in our habits, but that we would seek knowledge, God's knowledge, that will in turn be used as a tool to bring the lost to Christ. You may not know me, or maybe you know me and we're just not that tight, but please know that with all my heart, I want to encourage you for God's glory to be Healthy for Christ.
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